At 02:01 AM Tuesday 5/16/2006, Bryon Daly wrote:

On the suspicious side:
- In the news report, the guy claims he had the car running on just water
(100 miles on 4 oz!)  but now converted it to be hybrid
gasoline/water.  Why?  Wouldn't a pure water powered car be 1000% more

Remember the episode of "The Beverly Hillbillies" where Jethro converted the truck to run on either water or gasoline?

--Ronn!  :)

"Since I was a small boy, two states have been added to our country and two words have been added to the pledge of Allegiance... UNDER GOD. Wouldn't it be a pity if someone said that is a prayer and that would be eliminated from schools too?"
   -- Red Skelton

(Someone asked me to change my .sig quote back, so I did.)


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