>Nick Lidser <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Unveiling the invisible cloak


> A cloak made of a "metamaterial" wouldn't reflect
> light or cast a shadow.
> All light or other electromagnetic waves would be
> steered around the object,
> making it invisible, said study author David Smith,
> a professor of
> electrical and computer engineering at Duke
> University in Durham, N.C.
> "The theory has only now become relevant because we
> can make metamaterials
> with the properties we are looking for," Smith said
> in a release.
> No such cloak exists yet...

Ah, but a fur coat does!  As everyone knows, the hair
of unicorns has just those special properties which
bends EM energy around them, thus  rendering them
invisible to us when standing still.  (They create
blurs of light and shadow when moving.)  Felines,
naturally, *do* have the special retinal adaptations
which allow them to see unicorns and other "invisible"
creatures, hence their occasional 'inexplicable'
 I'm *so* glad that science has finally proven my pet

Invisible Teal Unicorns Maru      ;-)

#There's a story in _Catfantastic_, IIRC, about some
cats and the computer-generated bogies they thwart.

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