Charlie Bell wrote:
>> Isn't the real danger of ending up with an unbalanced population,
>> making it difficult for a generation to find a mate, worth noting?
> It's self-correcting - if there is an imbalance in gender one way, 
> it  is selectively advantage drives the ratio back to near 50-50. 
Unless there's a way to eliminate the need of one gender for
reproduction. If a large enough number of lesbians chose to
have girls by this method, the population could drift towards
the "Glory Season" equilibrium: a huge majority of lesbians
with a minority of males.

> Plus I  think it unlikely that it will ever be a common enough 
> procedure to  risk affecting the overall gender ratios (especially 
> as I think  unlikely that there'll be a significant bias in gender 
> chosen).
Don't be so sure about this. Having babies is a huge investment
in a human's lifetime, so spending lots of money to have the
baby of your dreams is the most likely scenario. Gattaca comes
to mind - with the risk of being banned from the List, for
mentioning _two_ sf stories, one by Himself.

> Is eugenics itself *inherently* a bad thing? I say not. But it's  
> definitely, like pharmacology, nuclear physics, and chemistry, able  
> to be corrupted to bad ends and misused.
Eugenics is evil when it's done by murder - but then it should
not be called Eugenics but simply Mass-Murder.

Alberto Monteiro


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