jdiebremse wrote:
--- In [EMAIL PROTECTED], David Hobby <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I'm sure we'll eventually be able to clone humans from single

Are you saying that this would be by some other method than injecting
cell or cell information from an adult into a donor egg cell?



Putting the information into an egg cell would be easiest.
I'm not sure how this helps your argument, though.  Wouldn't
such an egg cell be "dead", since its nucleus would have
been removed prior to inserting the new DNA ?

If you think/feel that it makes a difference, we would
probably eventually be able to produce artificial egg
cells and/or to modify existing cells so they could
perform as egg cells do.

Kind of makes it weird for someone to be in a limbo area where one
might or might not have a right to life... kind of like being
Schroedinger's cat.....

Seems like an awkward way to be basing human rights if you ask me.
Personally, I would want to err on the side of safety - if the
entity *might* be human, then give it rights, rather than make the
mistake of denying it rights, only to realize it later.  Could leave
us or our descendants with a lot of mental anguish in the future....

I don't see why rights can't be on a sliding scale, and
so have no problem with this.  I do pretty much agree with
you, but want to "award" rights based on what beings know and
do.  Seriously, apes should definitely be given at least
partial rights.

Oook, Maru

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