On 7/29/06, Dan Minette <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

So, the argument that Clinton thought they had dangerous WMDs, and that the
European intelligence agencies thought they had WMDs is accurate.

Okay... but I don't think that changes the basic idea that our leaders are
responsible for what they say, no matter what party they belong to.  I don't
think it changes the fact that virtually all the reasons that people
supported going into this war turned out to be wrong.  That's an enormous,
very costly (unbelievably costly) mistake.  Where's the accountability for
that?  I've heard exactly one member of Congress apologize to those who have
lost the most -- family members.  Each of us have had thousands of our tax
dollars spent.

What's the meaning of a poll that show Democrats aren't kidding themselves
about the facts as much as Republicans?  I don't think it tells me for whom
I should vote. It tells me that people are in denial.  Why do people use
denial?  To avoid pain, sorrow, anger and so forth.  I think this is about a
failure to work through our pain and grief about 9/11 and much more in a
healthy manner.  As a nation, as a culture, we have thrown away most of the
rituals and ceremonies that allow us to acknowledge and express our pain and
frustration, which blocks us from taking appropriate action and celebrating
what we do have.  If that is political, so be it, but it has nothing to do
with partisanship.


Nick Arnett
Messages: 408-904-7198

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