> -----Original Message-----
> Behalf Of Deborah Harrell
> Sent: Saturday, August 05, 2006 5:34 PM
> To: Killer Bs Discussion
> Subject: RE: Wealthy couples travel to U.S. to choose baby's sex
> <grin> And I was refusing to have my pro-choice stance
> deny _any_ protection to the unborn (teratogens etc.)

OK, fine.  Then the question on the table should be who is a protected
person being and what is not.

> Perhaps not.  My attempt was to point out the
> inconsistancies in being anti-abortion yet shrugging
> off civilian deaths in war as unavoidable collateral
> damage.  (Probably a bit snippy having recently heard
> that Iraqi civilian casualties are ~ 100/*day* now.)

> But we didn't *start* that war - Hussein invaded
> Kuwait.  (OK, we were partly responsible for SH being
> in power at that time; if you take that position, then
> I'd concede that the US bears some blame.)  Finishing
> a war is one thing; starting quite another.

I was referring to the earlier bombing of the Iraqi reactor by Israel,
probably with tacit US support.  Without it, Hussein would have invaded
Kuwait having already had a significant nuclear arsenal.  He was within a
year of getting enough plutonium for his first bomb when the Israelis bombed
the reactor.  Well, maybe he would have used the bomb against Tehran
earlier, that's always possible...but the point is that that bombing raid
probably saved a number of lives.

> I understand your position better.  WRT a woman with
> poor mental health raising a child, and that child
> being neglected/abused: what do you think of the
> _Freakonomics_ position that crime is down since RvW
> b/c those aborted didn't enter a life of crime?  (I
> think it's an interesting observation, but unproven.)
> > > "If one accepts" - From a medical standpoint, an
> > 8- or
> > > 15-week fetus is not an infant or a child.
> >
> > Medical categories are just that, categories.  Women
> > are different from men,
> > premature infants display less cognitive ability
> > than some grown non-human
> > primates....yet killing an infant is murder, just as
> > killing an adult is,
> > and just as killing an ape isn't.
> Nor, under law, is aborting a 15-week fetus.

Nor is aborting a 8.5 month fetus as long as a hospital and physician can be
found for a go-ahead.  My sister said she knows personally of highly
questionable late term abortions where she's worked....no indication of life
threatening illness to the mother at all.  From what she told me, before
birth, the only person that matters is the mother....the fetus is not human
until born....even thought it would be viable.

Now, I have a hunch you wouldn't agree with that.  But, then wouldn't it
make sense to have no legal late term abortions (where late term is after
viability) unless the mother's life is in danger.

You said no hospital would do that.  But, the fact that my sister worked at
a hospital that did does seem to contradict that.  
> > > Now _you_ are judging which life is more valuable
> > >than another.
> >
> > No, I'm judging that 5 million deaths is worse that
> > 500.
> ?  Sorry, missing that?  Please clarify.

If a women died trying to abort in a back alley, that is certainly a human
death.  But, from the right-to-life movement's perspective, 500 deaths of
women attempting abortion must be weighted against the deaths of millions of
people when women can easily find abortions.  

Dan M. 


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