> Nick Arnett <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >On 8/31/06, Ronn!Blankenship wrote:

> > I thought it had been determined that they are
> teal . . .

Correct.  Of course, there are many gradations of
teal, and some would not look like what human eyes see
as teal.  It's a facet of their "invisibility
cloaking" coats, I think...     ;)
> Anyway, my unicorns can beat the stuffing out of
> your unicorns with one horn
> tied behind their backs.  Except that they don't
> believe in violence, so
> you'll have to take my word for it.  Unless, of
> course, your unicorns pose
> an immediate danger to me or my unicorns, in which
> case, we will attack
> first because evil unicorns must be eradicated
> before they even have a
> chance of developing an evil thought, plan or
> technology.

They have no need of technology, being rather Q-like
in power of mind -- of course, by scientology
definition, that _would_ be "technology!"
> Meanwhile, red unicorns to the back of the bus and
> prepare for de(tele)portation, please.

*Those* are the evil ones!

Silliness Abounding Maru   :)

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