On 2 Sep 2006 at 16:54, William T Goodall wrote:

> On 1 Sep 2006, at 7:10PM, Andrew Crystall wrote:
> >
> > Aggressive atheists cannot be trusted since they believe right and
> > wrong are entirely relative and their ethics are based on no firm
> > principles except intolerance and the hatred of the religious.
> >
> Straw man. I don't know who you have in mind but *I* certainly am not  
> a relativist and my ethical principles have immovably solid foundations.

No, you do not. Your principles have no backing beyond what you feel. 
Otherwise, you believe in a creed, and are putting your reliance on 
an external force just as much as a believer.

> Religion on the other hand is built on sand - what an imaginary being  
> told a mythical person in a fable. In religion if you don't like what  
> it says on the {<scrolls>,<tablets>,<gold plaques>,<laserdisc>...}  
> that the {<talking monkey>,<prophet>,<purple elephant>,<sacred  
> flamingo>...} brought from the {<sacred mountain>,  
> <beanstalk>,<ogre's castle>, <holy cruise ship>...} you can just make  
> up another, more congenial, fable and believe that instead. If that's  
> too much effort you can find someone who has done it for you and join  
> their religion.

Yes, amazing how different it is if you, say, follow the teachings of 
say Marx, or L. Ron Hubbard, or your grandma... Oh wait, it's not. 
And neither is the law society is driven by.

The ONLY given with a militant atheist is that he is driven by hatred 
and intolerence. Whuch you are. You're no different from the person 
round here who drew slogons in paint over the wall of someones house 
recently, calling the occupier gay.

Dawn Falcon


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