On 2 Sep 2006 at 16:08, David Hobby wrote:

> Andrew Crystall wrote:
> > On 2 Sep 2006 at 18:17, William T Goodall wrote:
> > 
> >>> No, of course they don't have the same teachings. That's the point -
> >>> there are a variety of non-religious creeds which vary from
> >>> Scientology to Communism and so on.
> >> Scientology is a religion. Communism is a quasi-religion.
> > 
> > Again, per my last email absolute rubbish. Scientology is a creed, a 
> > UFO cult set up to milk the members of cash. It is a business, not a 
> > religion.
> Andrew--
> If I could step in here, I think this is part of
> William's point.  From the outside, it's hard to
> tell one group that teaches nonsense and milks its
> members from another.  : )

Well, I suggest you take that up with your government then. Because 
"teaches nonsense and milks it members" is a perfect decription of 
what THEY do.

No, the issue is that some people are blind bigots and others are 
not. It is a plain fact that scientology is not a religion.

Dawn Falcon


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