Is this the result of trying to protect our children from themselves?
For every action there is a counter-reaction?
For every measure, a counter-measure?


"Parents, brace yourselves." With those words, Oprah Winfrey 
introduced news of a teenage oral-sex craze in the United States. In 
the Atlantic Monthly, Caitlin Flanagan wrote, "The moms in my set are 
convinced—they're certain; they know for a fact—that all over the 
city, in the very best schools, in the nicest families, in the 
leafiest neighborhoods, 12- and 13-year-old girls are performing oral 
sex on as many boys as they can."

Are they right? National statistics on teen fellatio have only 
recently been collected, but the trend seems to be real. Johns Hopkins 
University Professor Jonathan Zenilman, an expert in sexually 
transmitted infections (and father of former Slate intern Avi 
Zenilman), reports that both the adults and the teenagers who come to 
his clinic are engaging in much more oral sex than in 1990. For men 
and boys as recipients it's up from about half to 75 to 80 percent; 
for women and girls, it's risen from about 25 percent to 75 to 80 

In some quarters, that might be regarded as progress, but how you feel 
about it probably depends on whether you are a teenager or a parent of 
teenagers. I am more than a decade away from being either and so 
regard myself as a neutral in this debate. Moreover, as an economist, 
I feel uniquely qualified to opine on why it is happening.

Now, there is no shortage of explanations: Perhaps everyone just 
thought that if it was good enough for Bill Clinton and Monica 
Lewinsky, it was good enough for them. But an economic explanation 
would instead start with the premise that this is a response to 
changing incentives. What sort of incentives have changed?

Schoolchildren are now bombarded with information about the risks of 
sex, particularly HIV/AIDS. Oral sex can be safer than penetrative 
sex: It dramatically reduces the risk of contracting HIV and reduces 
the effects of some other sexually transmitted infections (although 
you can still pick up herpes, warts, and thrush). An infection that 
might have made a girl infertile instead gives her a sore throat.

The rest is basic economics. When the price of Coca-Cola rises, 
rational cola-lovers drink more Pepsi. When the price of penetrative 
sex rises, rational teenagers seek substitutes. Perhaps we shouldn't 
be surprised that even as the oral-sex epidemic rages, the Centers for 
Disease Control and Prevention reports that the percentage of teenage 
virgins has risen by more than 15 percent since the beginning of the 
1990s. Those who are still having sex have switched to using 
birth-control methods that will also protect them from sexually 
transmitted infections. Use of the contraceptive pill is down by 
nearly a fifth, but use of condoms is up by more than a third. The 
oral-sex epidemic is a rational response to a rise in the price of the 

Now, this is a glib explanation. A real economist would want a tighter 
hypothesis and serious data to back it up. That economist might well 
be Thomas Stratmann, who, with law professor Jonathan Klick, has 
pushed the idea of the rational teenage sex drive. Their hypothesis is 
that if teenagers really did think about the consequences of their 
actions, they would have less risky sex if the cost of risky sex went 
up. They discovered a very specific source of that higher risk: "In 
some states, there are abortion-notification or -consent laws, which 
mean that teenagers can't get an abortion without at least one parent 
being informed or giving consent." If teenagers are rational, such 
laws would discourage risky sex among teens, relative to adults.

Klick and Stratmann claim to have found evidence of exactly this. 
Wherever and whenever abortion-notification laws have been passed, 
gonorrhoea rates in the teenage and adult populations start to 
diverge. When it becomes more troublesome to get an abortion, 
teenagers seem to cut back on unprotected sex.

Economic nerds may be interested to know that the Klick-Stratmann 
statistical technique owes much to the one used by Steven 
"Freakonomics" Levitt and John Donohue to show a link between 
legalized abortion in the 1970s and lower crime in the 1990s.

The rest of us may be wondering what to make of it all. On the one 
hand, good news: Teenagers are finding safer ways to get their kicks. 
On the other, it suggests that teenagers believe one of the most 
serious consequences of an unwanted pregnancy is that their parents 
will find out. If teenagers are avoiding unsafe sex, it may not be for 
the best reasons.


William Saletan argued (  )  that we 
should be concerned more with the rise in anal sex than oral sex among 
young people. Oral sex is sex, a Dear Prudence column warned (  ) a high-school student. Laura 
Kipnis discussed  (  )Deep Throat 
and the 2005 documentary Inside Deep Throat. Dahlia Lithwick analyzed 
(     )  states' efforts to enact 
abortion-related parental-notification laws.



Suck-A-Doodle-Doo Maru



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