Sorry Charlie,
I have lost the references I have to the side-toppled buildings I speak of, but will relay them as they turn up. Some of the same ones appeared in the threads when we first dove into this some months ago, if that helps.

Ok, let's get into the science a bit more.
This event triggered a number of memories for me as I was almost out of High School when nearby Mt St Helens blew. Watching the turbulent cloud motions of WTC has been gnawing at my hind-brain for some time. I'd not made the connection until I saw this piece. He nails it. -911s-smoking-gun_13.html 22 minutes in length

This piece of video compares pyroclastic flows & a good use of layered data to see various interactions, physical simulations and the times they occurred. This example relies on basic newtonian principles to question the secondary plumes and arcing debris that is seen RISING and ARCING away from the building AFTER initial shock-waves and debris fields HAVE PASSED in the collapse wave - what causes material to exhibit a cannonball trajectory except explosive action? It helps explain why debris was found farther than expected from the central core, although I'm still searching for more factoids.

As a paraglider one learns to gauge the elements in a highly tuned way and in a funny accident of fate I've even launched off Mt St Helens. Riding thermal updrafts is essential to staying up longer than a few minutes in the air. Something was making powerfully clear thermals to my trained eye {simply put your maimed or die if you don't learn these tricks when flying} and even laymen can appreciate the force we see once it's pointed out. It also examines the heated dust columns with some notations under the clip to quantify the needed heat to move these particles. This motion we see in the central dust/smoke plume bespeaks of an intense heat source driving everything straight up on a clear day. I'd like to know if the kinetic release of heat caused by this mass impacting the ground is anywhere near hot enough to exhibit this. I doubt it.

Additionally, I refused to watch the agitprop "Paths to 9-11" dreck-u-mentary on ABC, but instead watched Robert De Niro host a CBS viewing of a documentary made by the two French brothers, Gedeon & Jules Naudet, who were filming a rookie firemen's journey at the closest WTC firehouse that morning. They caught the footage of that very first plane striking and have come up with an amazingly touching film. In this film you see the only footage of the interior lobbies known and at one point we see the elevators finally disgorge hapless worried riders trapped when event began. This flies in the face of the 'aux-current' official story that lobby destruction was caused by jet fuel "somehow" coursing all the way down from above through those shafts to blow marble facades off the walls to explain why firemen witness burned & broken people in the lobby when they arrived. These are not the jumpers who come later in horrifying audio crashes. I never understood how this burning fuel traveling down suddenly turns into an explosive mechanism only towards the bottom {there were several more extra large floors below street level} in this fable and now I feel it is debunked. I've mentioned before those same burned & dazed people have born witness that something exploded out of the basement. It was those same firemen's testimony about a series of explosions "just like a demolition" bringing the buildings down that got me off my ass to investigate the discomfort I had with the official story{s}.

BTW - I'm done with ABC.
I've V-chipped ABC, ABC family, Disney, Lifetime, A&E, E!, and ESPN right out off our household and I haven't missed anything yet. My wife may want to tweak my list but my son will never watch Disney's Fantasyland {in more ways than one} again and I refuse to purchase their Pixar DVD's for him. Nyet. Nada. No way. I suggest if your offended by their blatant coddling to this administration while only critical of the Clinton-era, then it's time to lance the boil. It's worse than Fahrenheit 911 because there you knew where the POV of the director was facing, here they insist it's factual in the face of 9-11 Commission reports, etc. And tell them, tell them all, as well as the "it wasn't us" ABC News team of your feelings if you hope to have any near-term effect on their craven conduct.

- Jonathan -

On Sep 15, 2006, at 2:08 PM, Charlie Bell wrote:

On 15/09/2006, at 11:52 PM, Gibson Jonathan wrote:

You've turned the whole thing in it's head. Your asking me to prove support for your position that the official story, du jour, holds true.

No, I'm asking you for evidence to support your claim that it doesn't.

"The point we are all scratching our heads over is how they didn't topple off to one side. None of these buildings {though WTC7 was a shorter one} acted as any other building has. Ever."

That's what you said. Back it up with evidence of other buildings of the same type acting differently, and I'll go "Hmm. Interesting" and we have a conversation about why. As it is, you're making an unsubstantiated assertion, and asking others to disprove it. No, that's not how science works.

"Where's your examples that prove your assumptions?"

I don't have assumptions. I'm just reasonably happy that the explanations I've heard fit the evidence I've seen. If you're challenging those, then you provide evidence to support that. As I said:

"Good assertion. So let's see the evidence. Show us please a case study of a building collapse *of this construction type* that has toppled further than half its width in a progressive collapse. If you can show us one that has acted another way, then we have a comparison line."

I'm not dismissing you and I'm not saying you're wrong. I'm interested in your view. But I need you to back up your assertion with a bit of evidence. It's a simple request.


Jonathan Gibson

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