On 17/09/2006, at 9:12 AM, Dan Minette wrote:

The first thing I want to address is the idea that folks who have the
knowledge needed to demonstrate something is clearly wrong with an official report fail to do so out of fear of losing work because they are lumped with the "tinfoil hat" people. This is a standard argument that I've heard from
folks who argue against the validity of quantum mechanics, special
relativity, evolution, etc. That folks would not dare to point out that the
emperor has no clothes.

...and failing to realise that Einstein, Darwin, Newton, Galileo and others did *exactly* this in their day. Pointing out a glaring flaw in a current body of theory and doing the work that ushers in a new way of thinking is the Holy Grail to researchers. If it was so easy to turn over evolution or relativity with a few criticisms, it would have been done already (and in fact has been to large parts of the original versions of those theories...)

Just Got Off A 17 Hour Plane Ride, Will Respond More Tomorrow Maru

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