--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Good to here from you. So even though you are
> clearly wrong about 9/11  
> (everyone knows that it was a mutant energizer buddy
> sent by the Bush daughters  
> because they could not count up to 103 and were
> therefore insulted by the  
> towers) I hope you have some more insight into the
> collapse of your beloved sox.  I 
> think George talked to George who told Manny David
> that they had to lose. The 
>  future of the free world depends on Yankee victory.
> Seriously who do you 
> like  for MVP

Heh.  They're falling apart because they made a
sequence of ill-advised trades in a hopeless attempt
to create a "super-team" like the Yankees.  Right at
the beginning of the season I thought trading for
Beckett and Lowell would be a bad idea.

MVP?  Pujols in the NL, even though he's been injured,
but if not him, Ryan Howard, I guess.  In the AL I
think it's definitely Jeter, who's the only AL player
in the top 5 (he's fifth, I think) in VORP.  He has,
rather remarkably, gone from being a truly atrocious
shortstop to one who is basically average (he was
significantly better than average last year, I think).

Gautam Mukunda
"Freedom is not free"

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