On 10/5/06, Horn, John <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Behalf Of Nick Arnett
> As I think you know, you're writing to the guy who came up
> with the truth about the Reagan shooting when the rest of the
> Washington press corps missed the story and accepted the
> White House version.

Actually, I didn't know.  What was the truth?  What was the
non-truth version?

The White House said he walked into the ER on his own, was never in any
distress, was laughing and joking through the whole thing.  None of that was
true.  Secret Service agents carried him in with help from the two
paramedics I interviewed, he was barely talking, saying he couldn't breathe
and was very frightened.  And it took them much longer than the White House
said to figure out that he was shot.  For a while, they thought that he was
injured by the Secret Service agents pushing him down in the limo.

I sold the story to CBS exclusively at first (I was doing a fair bit of
freelancing for them at the time), then it went to Newsweek and others that
I don't quite remember, plus some later magazine articles and such.  I still
have the original audio cassette of the interview.  I had digitized the key
parts and put them on-line, but somehow that got lost in a server failure...
I need to re-do that before the tape goes bad.

One of these days, I'm also going to send off for a CD of the audio
recording of the White House press briefing where I tried to get Larry
Speakes to explain where all the bad info came from.  It's available from
the Reagan library.

My memories of all that don't seem real.  When I'm in Washington, looking at
the West Wing (the building, not the TV show) and recall going in and out
through security, falling asleep in the basement, asking questions of
Speakes with all those familiar faces staring at me... it doesn't really
seem like my own life; it is like vivid memories of a movie I saw long ago.


Nick Arnett
Messages: 408-904-7198

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