It doesn't surprise me that this scholarship is causing a stir.  For years,
I've thought that the single biggest perpetrators of bigotry were
organizations like the NAACP and Rev. Jessie Jackson (with due respect to
his positive accomplishments).

Many minority groups have no problem creating programs and initiatives that
isolate themselves racially, but anything that even hints at white only,
immediately brings down a flurry of condemnation and anger.

Perhaps that's a leftover of the civil war and slavery era? 

---> getting off my soapbox


Whites Only Scholarship Creates Outrage

College Republicans Say Scholarship Was Created to Spark Debate


BOSTON, Nov. 22, 2006 - - Joe Mroszczyk, president of the College
Republicans at Boston University, admits he set out to stir up a hornet's
nest when he came up with the idea of offering a whites-only scholarship at
the school. But he got a little more buzz than he bargained for.

"To tell you the truth, we didn't see this coming," Mroszczyk said. "The
Drudge Report picked it up yesterday, and today I just finished a round of
national interviews. It's kind of overwhelming." 

All the media attention is focused on a $250 Caucasian Achievement and
Recognition Scholarship offered by Mroszczyk and the BU chapter of the
College Republicans. Applicants must have a cumulative grade point average
of 3.2 or higher; they must write two essays; and, here's the kicker, they
must be at least one-quarter Caucasian.

The application itself offers an explanation: "We believe that racial
preferences in all their forms are perhaps the worst form of bigotry
confronting America today."

According to Mroszczyk, his group is offering the scholarship to point out
"how ridiculous it is to have any sort of racially based scholarship." 

At BU, for example, students who are at least one-quarter Hispanic can apply
for a National Hispanic Recognition Scholarship.

Complete article....


The Vulcan Neck Pinch is not half as powerful as the
Vulcan Groin Kick, but it's more politically correct. 
~ Quotes you'll never hear on Star Trek.



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