----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Charlie Bell" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Killer Bs Discussion" <brin-l@mccmedia.com>
Sent: Thursday, January 04, 2007 8:29 PM
Subject: Re: The Conversion of John C Wright

On 05/01/2007, at 1:25 PM, Robert Seeberger wrote:

>> My experience is that secularists are more gullible, in general, 
>> than
>> religious folkĀ—perhaps I have met too many Marxists to believe in 
>> the
>> skepticism of the skeptics, or people who think some quota will 
>> stop
>> race hatred, or that the next election will usher in the utopia.
>LOL. Straw man tastic.
I guess that is part of what fascinates me about all this. That 
someone who has the ability to write as well as he does in fiction, 
will when writing a blog make it so painfully obvious that he has 
"drunk the kool-aid".
I don't in any way begrudge him his belief and in general find 
"believers" to be reasonable in all realms only excepting a rigourous 
examination of their faith [note].
But Wright seems to go far beyond that, he seems to have swallowed 
whole and digested the American right wing version of christianity and 
it is now a part of his being. I almost expect to see him go on an 
anti-evolution rant any day now.

On questions of faith, I have no problem with a set of ever moving 
goalposts that always places certain knowledge of God beyond human 
vision. Indeed, for the entire faith thing to work God must always be 
unprovable and that is the crux of the determinism/freewill duality 
that is so essential to faith.
But when I see someone make a claim that implies the goalposts are 
immovable and that science and the evidence *must* be wrong, 
well....that is when I start to cringe. And that is what I believe I 
am seeing in Wrights trashing of any philosophy that runs counter to 
his Bible-Belt-Republican conversion. What I find to be so odd that it 
stands out with starkness is his inclusion of Marianism into the mix.
Am I the only one here who finds this odd? Or is there some movement 
about that I am completely unaware of? (Marianism seems to me to be a 
wholly Roman Catholic set of beliefs and while I would not find it odd 
to see a conservative Catholic engage in such rhetoric, it seems 
shocking to see an Athiest-cum-Protestant to place The Virgin Mary so 
near the forefront)

Wide World Of Whatchamacallit Maru


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