Robert Seeberger wrote:

> > Robert G. Seeberger forwarded:
> >
> >> The Christian world-view is not only NOT incompatible with the 
> >> scientific and logical one, they reinforce each other. You must 
> >> imagine my befuddlement when I see science presented as 
> somehow being 
> >> the enemy of religion. Science is the enemy of Taoism or Buddhism, 
> >> perhaps, but not the enemy of a religion that combines the 
> >> rationalism of Athens with the mysticism of Jerusalem. We invented 
> >> the University, for God's sake.
> >
> > *koff koff*
> >
> > Shangyang anyone? Or Takshila? Or Nalanda? Or Plato's decidedly 
> > non-christian Academy? OR Ratnagiri? Or Al-Azhar?
> >
> > I mean, come *on*...
> In this case I don't think he refers to Christianity 
> specifically, but 
> to westerners.
> Almost as if he thinks they are universally interchangeable terms.

Yeah well, that makes him both sloppy *and* inaccurate. In terms of the
claim he makes, and in terms of the spread of Christianity.

> >> The Taste Of Sincerety Maru
> >
> > To me it read like the unbalanced fervour of a new convert.
> > Especially
> > in view of the eagerness to trash other belief systems, and ignore
> > documented facts.
> >
> What struck me about this and other articles by Wright on this 
> subject, was how completely convinced he seems to be. No doubts.
> A conversion by a highly educated and very decided athiest just seems 
> to be an unusual occurance to me.

Umm no, not really. I have seen many highly educated atheists suddenly
'find' religion, and they are as certain of their new-found belief as
they were once certain of their disbelief. Which maks perfect sense
because a] individual traits don't change that fast, and b] the
emotional and psychological reasons behind such a volte-face usually
make blind faith a necessity.

> I recommend that people visit the blog and read about his visitation 
> by The Virgin Mary. (Also strange because Wright was not born into a 
> Marian tradition)

Umm, no thanks. I usually have a high tolerance for religious babble but
not when accompanied by patronising 'West/Christians are the best'
propaganda. I'd end up driving myself nuts trying to inject some sort of
historical realism into his delusions, and there is no point to it as he
could research the history himself if he is interested in facts.

> Zelazny-Like Maru

Now that is high praise indeed.

Ritu, who is still impressed by Zelazny's research for _Lord of Light_


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