At 10:08 PM Tuesday 2/27/2007, Doug wrote:
>Dan wrote:
> > Well, IMHO, the manned space program is a waste of resources.  I'd guess
> > that the bang for the buck of this program is somewhere between 1% and 10%
> > of that for spending on science.
>How do you think the general public would rank Apollo in a list of 
>human achievements?  I'm confident that it would be placed at or 
>near the top of the list.  I personally consider it humankind's 
>greatest achievement in my lifetime and perhaps for all time.  Not 
>because it's a great engineering feat or because we proved our 
>superiority over a competing economic system or for any other 
>tangible reason, but because it's a tremendous milestone in our 
>development as a life force; a magnificent triumph of the human 
>spirit.  We cracked the egg and stuck our beak out!
>If, a thousand years go by and we haven't destroyed ourselves (or 
>haven't been destroyed by some other entity, who knows?) we will 
>have explored much of what lies beyond this planet and we will look 
>back on July 20, 1969 as the day it really started.

Too bad that at least nine out of ten people you ask will have no 
idea what happened on that date . . .and that includes people who 
were alive and old enough to be in school then.

>VFP Irony

-- Ronn!  :)

"If a burglar is someone guilty of burglary, if a glutton is someone 
guilty of gluttony ... then God is an iron."
-- Spider Robinson (1948 - ), Canadian science fiction writer.


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