Since I've been care-taking up in the foothills, I've
learned to drive a tractor, back a trailer, and use 
manual transmission while snowplowing (now that the
clutch has been replaced, I don't kill the engine
every 5 minutes...yea!).  

The man I work for just bought a new 'toy' - a
skid-steer with a snowblower attachment, which
theoretically ought to allow us to handle massive
snowfalls.  This week I will learn to drive it; given
the foot, hand, and wrist controls, wouldn't it be
logical to have some Uplifted chimp genes engrafted,
to minimize damage in my immediate vicinity?  

So if you hear crashing crunches coming from the
Denver area, spare a kindly thought for me - and the
barn, the arena, the hay-shed, the fencing...  :)

who heard the first turkey gobble of the year on
Saturday evening, which, combined with onset of
rhinorrhea last Monday, confirms the arrival of Spring
in this corner of the Rockies sometime within the next
2-3 weeks

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