> Alberto Vieira Ferreira Monteiro wrote:
> > Deborah Harrell wrote:

> > I walked around my apt., trying to see what else I
> > could do about my energy consumption. 

> Don't bother; just think that China deploys one
> thermoeletric
> plant _based on coal_ (which is the worst of all
> imaginable fuels
> to damage the environment, not only because of CO2
> output,
> but also for Sulphur components) each week. Our
> efforts will
> be useless while corporate capitalism rules the
> world.

"Resistance is *not* futile!"

Maybe we should boycott Chinese-made goods unless
their government embarks on some plan to reduce coal
use...we got MacD's to ditch styrofoam burger-holders,
and Burger King is going free-range for some of their

Ya Gotta Try Maru

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