Ronn! Blankenship wrote:
> At 09:15 AM Thursday 5/31/2007, Julia Thompson wrote:
>> Ronn! Blankenship wrote:
>>> Chalk up any excess of zeal in my language to my being rhetorically
>>> flatulent* . . .
>>> _____
>>> *I dunno what it means, either, but it sounds bad . . .
>> I'm trying to decide if it's better or worse than logorrhea....
> Or if e^logorrhea is a South American ostrich . . .
>>         Julia
>> who is very much behind but trying to catch up
> As long as it is _logo_rrhea you need to catch up with . . .
> -- Ronn!  :)

Yeah, on the other sort of "rrhea", I've been having the opposite 
problem.  I need to be drinking more tea.

(TMI, I know.  Sorry!)


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