Dan Minette wrote:
> I think from Ronn's posts that he is a centralist slightly to the 
> right of center, and I see myself as centralist to the left of 
> center.  (...)
How simple Life must be over there... I have not a single idea
of how to describe myself. I can see all two (three, sometimes)
sides of an idea as equally valid, and I usually jump between 
sides depending on the opinion of the others (tending to be 
contrarian in most cases).

If you see my voting history, you might think I am a maniac.
I voted for leftist extremists, right extremists, and all
people in the middle. I voted for honest-but-incompetent people,
and people I knew were thieves. I've chosen the lesser evil,
but sometimes the greater evil (no, I didn't vote for Cthulhu).

Maybe that old saying is true: I have a real part and an imaginary

Alberto + i Monteiro


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