At 03:20 PM Sunday 6/3/2007, Julia Thompson wrote:

>What happened in 2004 made me think that Moore was just a blowhard and
>*anything* he did should be taken with a barrel of salt.  That was just
>a really bad PR move on his part that ticked off a bunch of intelligent
>people who might be otherwise willing to defend him against detractors.

And confirmed the opinions of those who already disagreed with his 
political positions and gave them all the hard proof they needed that 
their opinion of him as a person was correct.

>Documentary director?  Give me Spike Lee, any day.

I can't think of the title of it atm, but I just about injured myself 
laughing at Moore's comedy where the US ends up going to war with 
Canada.  Perhaps he should have stuck to making films like that . . .

And speaking of Spike Lee, from 


The most hyper-liberal, super-P.C. professor of my life was the 
instructor of a Portland State class I took called "Writing About 
Film." We'll call her Jackie. [...]  One time she mentioned Spike Lee 
for one reason or another, and then she asked, "How many of you are 
Spike Lee fans?" Only a couple of hands went up. She tsk-tsked and 
said, "Another sign we live in a racist society."

Now, I thought she was joking. It was a funny thing to say, and I 
chortled. But I was the only one. She continued on with whatever she 
was talking about, and I never knew for sure whether she was kidding 
or whether she really did think that failing to be a Spike Lee fan 
was indicative of being stuck in a racist society. Did she believe 
that in a world entirely devoid of racism, Spike Lee would have 
legions of fans, and that the only reason he's not as popular as 
Steven Spielberg now is that The Man is keeping him down? Really? I 
mean, there are plenty of white filmmakers I'm not a big fan of, too. 
And don't even get me started on the Asians!


(And on a completely different subject which I suppose has some 
relation to topics we have been discussing here recently is this 
week's column:  "Two to a Womb: A Dallas mom has three sets of twins 
-- but no husband or job" <>)

-- Ronn!  :)


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