One of the PajamasMedia cronies posted this (and further spread by 
Glen Reynolds).
So I wonder, just how much liability do we incur when we heavily tax 
That we enable a black market seems to be a no-brainer, but do things 
balance out overall with the benefits that the high taxes are meant to 

I know many Libertarians would say that such high taxes are an overall 
detriment and that many Liberals and some Conservatives would look at 
the health benefits that could accrue from vice taxes.

It seems to me that various parties will draw conclusions from "The 
War On Drugs" and "Prohibition" and that others will look to "The War 
On Cancer" and the current governmental and corporate (not to mention 
the peoples) struggles with insurance and medical costs.

I'm a bit torn here. I believe that Newton's "For every action there 
is an equal and opposite re-action" frequently applies to social 
interactions as well as physical interactions. That is, in a way, a 
formulation of the law of unintended consequences.
So the question remains, "Should we be spending our money elsewhere?"

Criminal Tax Havens Maru


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