High taxes on liquor = "moonshiners' full employment act"


I am NOT senile. I've ALWAYS been this way.

>From: "Robert Seeberger" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Reply-To: Killer Bs Discussion <brin-l@mccmedia.com>
>Subject: Taxes, Terrorism, and a fine mess we have gotten ourselves into
>Date: Sun, 10 Jun 2007 11:45:12 -0500
>One of the PajamasMedia cronies posted this (and further spread by
>Glen Reynolds).
>So I wonder, just how much liability do we incur when we heavily tax
>That we enable a black market seems to be a no-brainer, but do things
>balance out overall with the benefits that the high taxes are meant to
>I know many Libertarians would say that such high taxes are an overall
>detriment and that many Liberals and some Conservatives would look at
>the health benefits that could accrue from vice taxes.
>It seems to me that various parties will draw conclusions from "The
>War On Drugs" and "Prohibition" and that others will look to "The War
>On Cancer" and the current governmental and corporate (not to mention
>the peoples) struggles with insurance and medical costs.
>I'm a bit torn here. I believe that Newton's "For every action there
>is an equal and opposite re-action" frequently applies to social
>interactions as well as physical interactions. That is, in a way, a
>formulation of the law of unintended consequences.
>So the question remains, "Should we be spending our money elsewhere?"
>Criminal Tax Havens Maru


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