While we're on the topic of "the big 10", how about these, which I've  
seen called "10 Commandments for the Third Millennium":

   1. Respect and worship any deity within your faith tradition, if you

follow one, and support the right of others to do the same.

   2. Enjoy and support legal guarantees of freedom of religious 
belief,  practice, assembly and speech for all.

   3. Do not use obscene speech in the name of the deities of any

   4. Follow the guidance of your faith or secular tradition every  
day of the week: every day is important.

   5. Help to establish social safety nets so that the very young, 
the elderly, the sick, mentally ill, physically disabled, unemployed, 
poor and broken will receive adequate medical attention and 
enjoy at least a minimum standard of living.

   6. Minimize the harm you do to others and yourself. Treat others  
as you  would wish to be treated.

   7. Do not engage in sexual activity with another person that is
coercive, unsafe, manipulative, public or outside of a committed
monogamous relationship.

   8. Do not steal the property of others, except in case of emergency 
(and then only if you attempt to replace or pay for it later).

   9. Do not lie, either in or out of court. Be honest and truthful  
at all  times.

  10. Attempt to be satisfied with your current standard of living;  
do not obsess over the possessions of others; that path leads to


i concur with most of those, with the exception of fornication outside
of monagamy between consenting adults.  my concern is about
irresponsible sexual behavior that spreads stds, but repressing sexual
desire is a bad idea.  it forces people to get married at an early age
when their hormones are raging and they are less likely to have the
mature insight necessary to chose a mate based on criteria other than
physical attraction.
i woud admend your first parameter to include toleration of those who
believe there is no such thing as a deity.

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