Don't ask me to play. Aint no good. I want research, references and opinions. 
For an Uplift story I'm trying to promote by occasionally metaphorically 
whacking our good DR. on the head with a zen two-by-four.

I know all about Eric Frank Russell's martians and their passion 
for chess. I don't know about any others. 

Are there any major SF novels where the use of chess by an alien becomes a 
major plot point?

Somewhere I've read that a good english speaking player can think about a game 
for hours without ever having a single thought in english.

Replace english--or anglic with any Civilization of the Five Galaxies language 
and there's a story line for a certain race that virtually writes itself. (If 
you want to guess, do it off list.)

Also, does anyone use chess or blitzchess as a marital aid? (No, not strip 
chess.) Can a couple stay mad at each other after a full hour of one minute to 

Let me know what you think.

Anything to thin out the percentage of political emails.

William Taylor
You stop serving seafood
at the castle when for the
tenth time you?again hear... 

"Knight takes prawn."

Email and AIM finally together. You've gotta check out free AOL Mail! -

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