On Mon, 17 Sep 2007, Martin Lewis wrote:
On 9/14/07, Gary Nunn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
London's Emissions Targets For 2030 Will Only Be Reached By Banning Cars
Related in two ways to that link, I read this in the paper today:
"Cycling England says a 20% increase in bicycle journeys would lower
healthcare costs and reduce congestion. It adds that by making a £70m
annual investment in cycling initiatives the government could cut up
to 54m car journeys a year by 2012 and reduce carbon dioxide emissions
by 35,000 tonnes.
The report says that an adult who swaps a car for a bicycle on a
return journey of 2.5 miles - the average cycle trip - will generate
annual savings of £137.28 through reduced congestion. A regular
cyclist saves the NHS £28.30 a year."
Question: How much does a good bike (good for riding around London) cost?
(Wondering how good a selling point this is; if it pays for itself in 2
years, that's a good deal, IMO.)