On 10/8/07, Ronn! Blankenship <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> At 09:06 AM Monday 10/8/2007, Mauro Diotallevi wrote:
> >On 10/5/07, Gary Nunn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > > If you get a chance to pick up the series by John Scalzi: Old Man's War ,
> > > The Last War and The Ghost Brigades, do so, they were an excellent read.
> >
> >Scalzi's latest book, _The Android's Dream_, reads like Douglas Adams
> >and Peter David at a Monty Python convention.  Beware: this book is
> >not for you if you are offended by extended fart jokes...
> How extended?  5 seconds?  Ten?  Thirty? More?

The entire first chapter is one long fart joke, as well as being the
originating incident that kicks off the story.  The farting itself
takes place over the course of a full hour of story-internal time.

And yet, as well as being extremely funny and at points, *very*
juvenile, this book somehow this manages to be exceedingly intelligent
and thought-provoking.

Mauro Diotallevi
"Hey, Harry, you haven't done anything useful for a while -- you be
the god of jello now." -- Patricia Wrede, 8/16/2006 on rasfc

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