Alberto Vieira Ferreira Monteiro wrote:
>Jim Sharkey wrote:
>>_Scientific American_ is saying grass as a source of ethanol has the
>> potential to be vastly more efficient than corn.  Pretty cool 
>>stuff, I think.

>But still less efficient than sugarcane :-P

Probably true, but I'd wager grass is a lot easier to grow than sugar 
cane, at least here in the U.S.  :-)

And sadly, we don't use "real" sugar here anymore, except in tasty 
and delicious Dublin Dr. Pepper.  If you like Dr. Pepper and you're
in the U.S. where finding soda without corn syrup is nigh-impossible,
it's well worth the cost.  Though to be fair, I rarely drink soda so
I maybe order two cases a year, tops.

And now they're after 7-UP Maru

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