> I'm certainly interested in  a good discussion, but I find it very
> difficult  to debate with you because you are a very prolific writer with
> no apparent limit on the time you have to research a topic.  

Believe it or not, I'm driving to Austin to be with my wife nearly every
weekend and work 60+ hours a week.  I just find doing research while
multi-tasking easy and quick.

>I would not be surprised to find that this is what you do for a living.  

I'm a research physicist/consultant that has to be able to take in millions
of numbers and very quickly see the patterns.  So, you caught my MO fairly

>Furthermore you are very good at manipulating statistics to bolster your
>arguments, but as Charlie pointed out a couple of times late last year, you
>have a tendency to mold the facts and figures to fit your opinion
>(reference a recent mass transit discussion).

Its fair to say that, in the middle of a discussion, I will take one point
and try to advocate for it.  I do that professionally all the time, and rely
on my partners to marshal the data for other points.  It's a very useful
technique in science/engineering....but I can see its frustrating for those
who don't play that way.

> Furthermore, look at the size of your last two posts.  There's more volume
> there than all the posts from everyone else on the list for several days
> prior.  I can't speak for anyone else, but I'm often overwhelmed by the
> shear size of your posts.  I'm not nearly as prolific and I seldom have
> more than an hour a day to peruse and respond to all of my personal email.

Going back over the last 3 months, I've spent far less than that per day.  I
admit it, I write fast.

> Understand, if it's not obvious, that in most respects I'm complimenting
> you
> and letting you know that you're just too good at these discussions for me
> to compete.  This isn't to say that I think you're always right or even
> that
> you've always made your point well.  I just can't keep up all the time, so
> often times I just give up.
> I'm sure this is frustrating to you. Its certainly frustrating to me.

I think that's a fair critique of my posting.  

Dan M. 


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