On Apr 18, 2008, at 6:08 PM, Curtis Burisch wrote:

> In the past few days, since I've become aware of this site, I've been
> reading it avidly - with horror. No idea who funds these guys, but  
> it's
> clear they're not the good guys.

The site is registered to Steven Milloy:


He is a Fox News commentator and also runs CSRWatch.com, published by
the "Free Enterprise Education Institute", which suggests that his
agenda is mainly pro-business, or, rather, anti the "anti-business

> Check it out if you dare :
> http://www.junkscience.com/
> Their beliefs are primarily centred around global-warming-denial.  
> Phoo.
> 'Junk Science' indeed!

> It revolves heavily about politics, it appears to me; what these guys
> are trying to achieve is totally beyond me. I can only at this point
> watch their antics.

I suspect that they are mainly out to foil anybody who raises a caution
flag that could possibly interfere with "business as usual". It's the
same thinking that brought us the extremely annoying phrase "politically



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