Hi, Everyone.
Charlie, I agree with most of what you say yet again.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Charlie Bell" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Killer Bs (David Brin et al) Discussion" <brin-l@mccmedia.com>
Sent: Sunday, April 20, 2008 10:28 AM
Subject: Re: sucky sucky junkscience.com

> On 20/04/2008, at 6:56 AM, Wayne Eddy wrote:
>> I agree with just about everything you say, Charlie.
>> I don't think the web site Curtis is so upset about is so horrible
>> though.
>> It is basically just a list of articles from reputable news sources on
>> subjects of interest to the owner.  Where he disagrees with the
>> article he
>> adds a disparraging introduction, but if you ignore the intoduction
>> that and
>> read the articles you actually get a balanced view point.
> If you think so. The overall purpose of the site is FUD, and it's
> dishonest.

Perhaps, who knows what another persons motives are.  Sometimes it is hard 
to tell the difference between FUD and sincerely held beliefs.  For example 
the much of the outcry against genetically engineered crops seems to be FUD 
to me, but I'm sure that many people who are anti GM crops are sincere in 
their beliefs..

>> As for global warming, I think it is pretty obvious that glaciers are
>> receding and it is perfectly plausible that man made carbon dioxide
>> emissions are contributing to this, but I don't think this
>> necessarly means
>> the end of the world,
> Very few think it'll be the end of the world. Most who think it'll be
> a problem think it'll merely mean death or severe hardship for about a
> third of the world's population, and a mass extinction... Where I live
> in southern Australia, we're rebounding between long drought and
> severe rain (which is mostly running off into the sea...). This is
> only going to get worse as mean temperatures rise.

In the absence of technological advances, I don't doubt that at least a 
third of the world's population is in for a tough time.  I'm just not sure 
that it is global warming that will be their main concern.

>> or that it is even the most important issue in the
>> world.
> I think the world is the most important issue we have. Learn to live
> sustainably, get our population growth under control (which ironically
> means India and China and everywhere else becoming developed, as birth
> rates plummet in developed nations...) and come up with strategies for
> dealing with natural disasters so we've got a world infrastructure for
> getting aid to where it's needed. We do those things, and we'll be
> well on the way to a world that's better for all and will continue to
> be so for a good while to come.

I agree.  It is uncontrolled population growth that is the root of most of 
the worlds problems.  It seems to me that advancing technology increases the 
world's carrying capacity, but not as fast as the world's population grows. 
Hopefully technology will catch up one day.

>> Regards
>> Wayne Eddy
>> P.S. Is there a consensus on the list about how to post?
> Generally just quoting the text you're replying to. Top posting works
> in some environments, but doesn't work so well in discussion forums
> where one is trying to answer many points. There are some guidelines
> somewhere... Paging Nick! Nick Arnett to the courtesy phone!
> Charlie.
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