On 25/04/2008, at 2:46 PM, Nick Arnett wrote:
>>> Sounds like the school district is not allowing religion to be an
>>> excuse for
>>> inappropriate teaching.
>> Um. *blink* I'm talking about the school kids and parents supporting
>> the teacher's bad (and, um, probably criminal) behaviour.
> Point taken... but I guess I'm drawing a difference between those  
> who defend
> this sort of thing because they are like-minded and those who defend  
> it on
> principle when they aren't like-minded.

Sometimes people are just wrong. I'd be defending him if he helped out  
with the Bible Study Club out of school hours (as a member of my  
school's Christian Union, I went to bible study twice a week and was  
grateful to teachers giving up their own time to the club). But he  
didn't. He was proselytising in class. And he was teaching creationism  
in science class. And he burnt students with an electrical device.

>  I don't see much of the latter.
> You don't see atheists rallying around that guy because they believe  
> in his
> principles.


You do see the ACLU standing up for religious free speech when it is  
being disregarded. You don't see that much of atheists rallying round  
the oppressed religious (except possibly when atheists and minority  
religious like wiccans or Muslims are trying to get equal treatment to  
the Xian majority), because there just aren't that many cases of the  
religious being oppressed - they've got such a huge majority.

I stand up for the right of anyone to believe what they want. I do not  
support people who teach their own beliefs in lieu of the curriculum,  
and I definitely do not support teachers, people who are proxy  
guardians to other people's children, causing those children physical  
harm (no matter how minor) to make a point.


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