On 07/06/2008, at 2:22 AM, John Garcia wrote:

> Now that it looks like it's McCain vs. Obama (listed in alphabetical  
> order)
> I was wondering what you all think of this matchup. I'm especially
> interested in what
> our friends from outside of the USA think.

Young dynamic world-travelled senator with a background in  
constitutional law vs old guy who'll carry on in much the same vein as  
the current lot:

Should be a no-brainer.

However: Obama's viewed as a nigger, elitist, soft, too young and a  
Muslim variously by chunks of voting Americans and it may be that the  
Republicans can throw enough mud to keep Obama out.

Would be a shame, as he's by far the better of the two for America's  
position in the rest of the world. But I won't be surprised with  
another 4 years of Republicans in power. I'll be celebrating hard if  
Obama wins.


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