Jon wrote:

> "And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply,
> and replenish the earth, and subdue it."  surely you don't believe that gawd
> created man to have dominion over every living thing that moves on the
> earth?
> it is not a sacrifice, doug, it is a duty to the planet.  no righteous
> deity would justify destroying habitates to accommodate human expansion.
>  even by reducing materialism and careful husbanding (no pun intended) of
> resources, we are destroying habitats at a prodigious rate just to feed over
> six billion hungry humans.

It's not just a numbers game.  If you have the opportunity to bring a child
into the world that has a reasonable chance to make a positive contribution,
there are few arguments not to do so.  The world doesn't just need fewer
people; it needs more people that can make a positive contribution and fewer
whose lives will ultimately be fruitless (not to mention miserable).

> sure the planet can sustain higher human populations, but there is a limit.
> surely we have already reached the point where your deity would say that
> enough is enough.

Not my deity, no matter which one you're referring to.

> responsible, enlightened people are too rational to compete in the
> birthrate race, but they still hold the upper hand in the arms race.
> as the various fundamentalist schisms succeed in their over population
> goals they'll continue to war against the heretics, and those who leave the
> fold.   people have a right to breed irresponsibly, but at some point it is
> going to bite us all in the buttocks!~)

Only if the rest of us decide we are saving the planet by _not_ breeding.


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