----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Bruce Bostwick" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> The only exceptions I would make would be for people willing to help
> terraform and colonize other habitable bodies in the solar system.
> I'm pretty sure Mars' surface could be terraformed to the point where
> people could live and produce food there without life support, with
> the right approach to releasing the CO2 locked up in the regolith and
> using a series of introduced plant species to convert the CO2 to
> breathable oxygen and jump-start biosphere growth.  With a controlled
> population reduction, the economy could probably support a pretty
> massive spaceflight/colonization initiative ..

I'd like to see Mars colonised too, but it is not a solution to 
I can't see it ever being possible to send people to Mars at a faster rate 
than they are being born.




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