John, if you look to at what Jimmy Carter tried to tell us before his  
last failed election run against Reagan and compare it to where we are  
today you might reconsider his position in history.

A friend Andrew Bacevich addresses some of this in his new book, The  
Limits of Power.(shameless plug for Skip)
You might want to watch the discussion on Bill Moyer's Journal

I totally agree with Olin's comments.  I am not sure how Obama will  
support the scientific community other than getting out of the  
business of trying to make scientific reports match political agendas.  
I suspect his economic social and foreign policy initiatives to get us  
back on track will force science budgets to the back burner.

Chris Frandsen
Remember Remember 4 November!

On Aug 25, 2008, at 10:41 AM, John Garcia wrote:

> On Mon, Aug 25, 2008 at 10:52 AM, Olin Elliott <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  
> wrote:
>>> My choice for President depends on which candidate I think
>>> will
>>> address all the issues facing the USA consistent with my values, not
>>> whether
>>> or not he has a cool Facebook page.
>> Its not whether or not he has a cool Facebbook page -- its whether  
>> he can
>> understand the massive changes in socieity being wrought by  
>> computers and
>> the internet, whether he is going to be a President who honors  
>> science and
>> tries to learn from it, rather than supressing it out of  
>> ideologicial and
>> religious prejudice like the one we have now, whether he is  
>> equipped to deal
>> with a world bound ever tighter by communicantions, by enemies who  
>> have
>> mastered the idea of loose networks bound by technology and of  
>> spreading
>> their world view via the web.  Whether he looks outward toward the  
>> future
>> rather than backwards, and whether he can address, for instance,  
>> the kinds
>> of issues of privacy, freedom and the impact of technology that Dr.  
>> Brin
>> addresses.  That's why its important that he know how to use a  
>> computer.
>> Comparing it to a "cool facebook page" is the kind of trivial  
>> analysis the
>> media usually does.
>> Olin
>> ----- Original Message -----
>> From: William T Goodall<mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> To: Killer Bs (David Brin et al) Discussion< 
>> >
>> Sent: Monday, August 25, 2008 6:49 AM
>> Subject: Re: Brin: What's in the works?
>> <snippage>
> Does *anyone* really understand those changes?
> And what level of computer use is acceptable? Novice? Expert? Should  
> he at
> least know where the power button is?
> Jimmy Carter was trained as an engineer on nuclear submarines.  
> Didn't help
> him at Three Mile Island.
> john
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