>Certainly there are didactic, righteous, dogmatists leftists, Olin, but when 
>they get emotional they don't usually deliberately lie.  Michael Moore uses 
>context to advance >his arguments, but his premise is usually spot on.   Here 
>in Los Angeles, KPFK is extremely biased.  The leftist media often ignores, or 
>even justifies tactics used by >Palestinian "freedom fighters", and when they 
>fire missiles from the Golan Heights (after Israel ended that occupation) they 
>blame Israel because they retaliate..

I'm definatley not trying to defend the right wing crazies -- I only hope that 
the decline in Bush's popularity has diminished their credibility with a lot of 
Americans -- it would be nice if he would take them down with him.  McCain has 
an uneasy relationship with those people -- they've been his enemies in the 
past, and now he needs them to have a chance at winning.  It will be 
interesting to see how well they can get along, even for the duration of the 
campaign.  I guess it just goes back to how you think about things.  A lot of 
people talk as if being reasonable and rational is the human default -- and 
things like dogmatism, fantaticism and irrationality are only aberrations -- 
but I don't think that's true.  I think being irrational, emotional, factional 
and ideological is closer to the human norm, and that real rationality is rare 
and always has been -- because it is hard work and goes against our grain.  


  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Jon Louis Mann<mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
  To: Killer Bs (David Brin et al) Discussion<mailto:brin-l@mccmedia.com> 
  Sent: Saturday, August 30, 2008 12:10 PM
  Subject: Sore losers

  > at the presnet moment, I agree with you.  But the history
  > of the left has more than its share of dogmatism,
  > irrationality, and craziness.  Try suggesting on most
  > college campus that things like, say, the relative aptitudes
  > of men and women in different fields in an empiracal
  > question and should be studied scientifically.  You will be
  > shouted down by leftist, "progressive" feminists. 
  > The response will be just as emotional and non-rational. 
  > There's a strong ant-sciene bias in modern American
  > liberalism, resistance to ideas about the inheritance of
  > temerpment or personality, the primacy of biology over
  > culture, etc. etc.  The right has just been more blantant,
  > more vocal and more ludicrous in their attacks on science,
  > but they don't have a monopoly on it.
  > Olin

  Certainly there are didactic, righteous, dogmatists leftists, Olin, but when 
they get emotional they don't usually deliberately lie.  Michael Moore uses 
context to advance his arguments, but his premise is usually spot on.   Here in 
Los Angeles, KPFK is extremely biased.  The leftist media often ignores, or 
even justifies tactics used by Palestinian "freedom fighters", and when they 
fire missiles from the Golan Heights (after Israel ended that occupation) they 
blame Israel because they retaliate..


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