On 1 Sep 2008, at 01:32, David Hobby wrote:

> (Sorry about the titles.  I just replied about
> Sarah Palin in the "Honest Terminology" thread,
> and in the Sarah Palin thread, I'm talking about
> honest terminology.)
> William T Goodall wrote:
>> On 30 Aug 2008, at 04:54, David Hobby wrote:
> ...
>>> William--
>>> I truly admire the subtlety with which you troll.
>>> For those of us without moral absolutes that decide the
>>> issue, it is difficult to decide how disabled a child has
>>> to be so that it is better to kill it at a very young age
>>> and invest the resources elsewhere.
>> A fetus isn't a child. That's why there's a different word for it.
>>> (To use honest
>>> terminology.)
>> You're the one trying to use dishonest terminology.
> ...
> William--
> No, it's the honest terminology.  Abortion kills children,
> very young children who can't survive outside the womb, and
> who wouldn't count as human at all except for their human DNA.

No it doesn't. Children have been born.

> Now this happens to be the same term adopted by some religious
> zealots, but that doesn't make it incorrect.
> Here's an analogy:  It's like using degrees Kelvin to measure
> temperature, instead of Celsius.  The melting point of water
> is a pretty arbitrary place to put the zero of a temperature
> scale, just as "birth" is an arbitrary place to start counting
> a child's age.  If we're going to talk about abortion, it's
> only common sense to do it using a scale that starts at
> conception (or the start of cell division).

Our culture starts measuring age from birth, not conception. I believe  
some cultures do measure age from conception but not ours.

If you start counting zygotes as children then IUDs and morning after  
pills are infanticide. That's just wackjob wingnut daft.

Crazy Talk Maru
William T Goodall
Web  : http://www.wtgab.demon.co.uk
Blog : http://radio.weblogs.com/0111221/

"The three chief virtues of a programmer are: Laziness, Impatience and  
Hubris" - Larry Wall


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