Jon Louis Mann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> you tell me, john,

I already did. You believe that the amount you own is okay, but people may not
own more than you. You believe that the way to allocate resources is for 
to ask you if it is okay, since you obviously know what everyone else should do.

> i want to create such a utopia on my land,

Good luck with that.

>  but you insist that 
> i would live there alone like a hermit, rather than recognize that there are 
> people who have a more advanced perspective. 

I do? You can live there with as many people as you want. What makes you think
I care what you do? It is you who seem to want to force your opinions on 
others. Telling
us how much property we may have and how much we may consume.

> do you 
> really believe that foreign workers choose to want to use the short hoe so we 
> can eat lettuce for a few cents
> less per head. 

Yes, I really believe that foreign workers are intelligent enough to decide 
whether they
want to take a job or not. 



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