-------------- Original message -------------- 
From: John Williams <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

> Ronn! Blankenship 
> > Whether I am aware of it is less the point than whether little old 
> > ladies living alone on Social Security need something else technical 
> > to bother with. 
> So, you think elderly women are too stupid to plug in a cable and a 
> power cord? Good thing they have such a smart guy like you to 
> to look out for them. 

Well, my mom seems to have a trouble with new things.  She has a far different 
way of looking at things, and when I try to explain them, she keeps on asking 
questions that don't lead to understanding.
She isn't stupid, but at 88 she doesn't adapt well.  That tends to be a fact of 
life; it's becomes harder to deal with things that are outside the framework 
with which you've been doing just fine in for the last 60-70 years when 70 or 
80 years have passed.  
BTW, welcome to Brin-L.  I have been the least liberal loud person on the 
group, and it is nice to see someone who jumps in with both feet who appears to 
be to the right of me.  Unfortunately, I'm way behind because my portable 
started crashing every 4 minutes, so I had to rebuild it from the core while I 
was trying to satisfy 3 clients and prepare for a trip to help out 
family.....just as a hurricane may be bearing down on my house...sigh.
Dan M. 

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