> Well, to be clear, it appears that you fit in well with the
> frequent posters and represent a voice/perspective that was
> lost when folks to the right of me (Eric, JDG and Gautam to
> name 3 I can think of) left.  I like a wealth of
> perspectives.  I'm taking a bit of time off in Duluth
> MN, now that I know there are folks who will take care of my
> house.  (It's win-win, the person who's doing it is
> an old family friend who lives in a mobile home and will
> invite 4 friends who also live in mobile homes to stay at
> our house).  Her kids are taking in all the blowables from
> the yard, so I'm very happy with that.
> I'm going to try to take time off to try to respond to
> your economics email as a mental health exercise (going 14
> hours a day working at my age is hard).  When I do, I'm
> going to ask some questions that others interpret as setting
> up a strawman argument. (sic)  They are not I'm just asking 
> to set boundaries, since it's much easier to discuss a topic
> with someone when one has a general feel for their
> viewpoint.  

this list does have a lot of different perspectives, and I have certainly 
learned a lot, even from those who seem to thrive on using ad hominem, and 
strawman arguments.  i have to admire their tenacity in sticking to their guns, 
and refusing to acknowledge their tactics.
what do you mean by setting boundaries?  one way to get around IAAMOAC is by 
using sarcasm, ad hominem, and/or strawman arguments, and then denying intent...



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