On Sun, Sep 21, 2008 at 9:09 AM, John Williams

> Nick Arnett <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > Yes, it is so sad.  Almost as sad as the patronizing attitude some folks
> > exhibit when they are certain that most everybody else is an idiot.
> Yes, that is sad. Especially when combined with the idea that all those
> idiots must be taken care of by those who think they have the knowledge
> and ability to fix everything, but who obviously do not, and do not even
> realize it when their infallibility is pointed out.

Yes and the fact that the people who think they have the knowledge and the
ability to fix everything, who have to take care of the patronizing people
have to be take care of by the people who think that the others don't have
the knowledge and ability to fix the people who...  oh, never mind.

Anyway, I suspect you are trying to cross-pollinate threads here by alluding
to political ideas I expressed elsewhere and implying that they must be
wrong because I misspoke here.  I guess we allow thread cross-pollination,
for the sake of hybrid vigor.   Vigorous debate and all that.

And for heaven's sake, it was at best a metaphor and here we are obsessing
about it, while the topic at hand (the nature of evolution) is being
ignored.  And I'll bet it is lonely.  I think I hear it starting to whimper
off in the corner.

P.S. We allow mistakes here.  Otherwise, how could we evolve?

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