> I met David Lange when I was on a bicycle sojourn in the late 80s.

A reflection of New Zealands small size. I too bumped into him while
cycling (in my case getting around my home town).

He's not the only Prime Minister I've happened across in daily activities.

> I was under the impression that there were laws against using chemical 
> fertilizers
> and injecting domestic ruminants with steriods, antibiotics and hormones.
> Is that still the case?

I don't know such detail. New Zealand does have stricter than typical
bio-security laws because of the influence agriculture and tourism has
on our economy. Among other reasons past attempts by E.U countries to
denigrate NZs meat industry (in attempts to have it excluded as
competition to their own) have compelled us to be clean beyond reproach.

For instace the practice of feeding ground animals to others at the risk
of spreading diseases such as the now famous BSG (mad cow) have long
been illegal in NZ.

I think steroids are outlawed as I recall recent debate on relaxing the
relevant legislation.

Chemical fertilizers are widely used and run off from them is one of our
greatest problems today (oxygen levels and algaes in rivers, lakes etc).

Much of the North Islands volcanic plateau has been transformed by
intense fertilization.

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