> You appear to place a lot of emphasis on superficial
> language. 
> I think it is more important not to force one's ideal
> on others than
> to insert a few polite words into a sentence when
> communicating.

isn't that what you are doing, john?

> If you want to get terribly upset because I write
> sarcastically, that is your prerogative. 
> If I do not want to do something that someone 
> forces me to do, that is by definition NOT my 
> prerogative.  In other words, supporting 
> certain positions or rules has consequences on
> others that those who support the rules should 
> acknowledge, but my writing sarcastic remarks 
> does not impose any consequences on you except 
> for those you choose.

you rudeness does, john.  if you can forgive the mixed metaphor, you are 
digging your own grave, and painting yourself in a corner that you can't 
escape, except by leaving or apologizing, neither of which are you capable of 


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