On 24/09/2008, at 11:20 PM, John Williams wrote:

> Charlie Bell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> No, they disagree, so they're "imposing their views on
>> others".
>> *shrug* It's your loss. The sad thing is, you'll never know what
>> you're actually missing.
> If what I'm missing is being told what to do, I hope I miss it.

No, you're simply being informed that this group has lasted as long as  
it has (at least 13 years, I think?)  because the vast majority of  
members agree to be polite when discussing. You can choose not to be,  
but if your goal in life is to simply be contrary and any guidelines  
at all suggested by others are bad simply because they are suggested  
by others, then many members of this group will just ignore you. If  
that's "imposing their will", then so be it.

But I'm done trying to persuade you. I thought you might have  
something interesting to say, but you're too busy telling everyone  
they're ignorant, wrong, in love with the government, or just stupid  
to bother telling anyone why your point of view has any merit, brief  
glimpses to the contrary aside.

As I said in an earlier post, I'm not telling you what to do. I'm just  
saying that your actions have consequences, and so far the consequence  
is to make me think that you're arrogant and uncouth. Like I said,  
your loss if you don't want to talk on a level.


Killfile Plus One Maru.

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