On Wed, 22 Oct 2008, William T Goodall wrote:

> An email list represents the bazaar model of idea exchange. One can 
> simply ignore threads of discourse one isn't interested in and killfile 
> those that are irrelevant or pointless. Any more complicated model with 
> ratings, peer trust networks, relevancy association or whatnot is 
> placing faith in the idea someone else's algorithm can sort interesting 
> from bullshit better than oneself.

And this is what I like about mailing lists.

I tend to read every. single. post (so I'm not subscribed to as many lists 
as I *might* be), especially the ones I'm a moderator for (and one of the 
others is deathly dull, but I have to keep an eye out for anything 
illegal, which has been a problem once or twice), but also for the others. 
Eventually I work out how much weight to give a particular poster on a 
particular subject, and have the values for that in my head.



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