On Oct 27, 2008, at 1:12 PM, John Williams wrote:

> Bruce Bostwick <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> *huge* "if" that, in all the times we've experimented with laissez-
>> faire market capitalism, has never been borne out in reality.  Do we
>> really need to do this one more time expecting different results, or
>> can we agree that there is a need to have *some* government
>> involvement in this kind of trading to prevent exactly this sort of
>> irresponsibly risky behavior?
> LOL. You're hilarious today. The government can save us! Despite
> all evidence to the contrary, it will be different this time! Worship
> the government! Government is God!

Huh?!  OK, whatever .. not at all sure how you got to that, and don't  
really particularly *want* to know ..

"Good, 'cause, you know, we want to report that the country's a lot  
stranger than it was a year ago." -- Toby Ziegler


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