Bruce Bostwick <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> most people, and I *am* involved in the securities market in a few  
> ways that would, pre-crash, have been considered very sound places to  
> put my money.  And I'm pretty sure that when I steel myself to look at  
> the statements for those accounts, I'm going to find they pretty much  
> tracked the Dow during its free-fall.

Way to blame somebody else for your problems! You should run for office!

> those people who -- OMGZ!!1! -- might need to depend on government  
> assistance for a while to avoid starving to death or living hand to  
> mouth in a homeless camp somewhere.  I'd kind of like for those  
> programs to still be in existence if my survival depends on qualifying  
> for them,

That is one of the least evil forms of government spending, I agree.



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